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The Cornerstone of an LLC — a Strong Operating Agreement

A limited liability company (LLC) is a highly advantageous form of business organization. Like a partnership, members join forces to achieve a common goal. But unlike a traditional partnership, LLC members benefit from a shield — they’re generally protected from personal liability for the company’s debts. The key to a smoothly functioning LLC lies in Read More

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Finding the Right Legal Partner for Your Small Business

Running a small business is an exciting endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One critical aspect that can often be overlooked is the importance of legal counsel. While legal fees may seem like an unnecessary expense, having an attorney on your side can prevent costly mistakes and navigate complex situations Read More

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Why Your Company Needs a Comprehensive IP Strategy Plan

In today’s information-driven economy, innovation is the lifeblood of success. Companies invest heavily in research and development, creating unique products, processes, and ideas. But innovation alone isn’t enough. Without a strong defense, these valuable assets are vulnerable to imitation and exploitation.  This is where a comprehensive intellectual property strategy plan comes in. It is a Read More

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Essential Elements of a Strong Partnership Agreement

A successful business partnership thrives on clear communication, shared goals, and a well-defined framework for collaboration. A strong and workable partnership agreement acts as the cornerstone of this framework, outlining rights, responsibilities, and contingencies for various situations that may arise. The following are elements that should be included in most every partnership agreement: Contributions and Read More

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Restrictive Covenants in Arizona Employment

In today’s information-driven business environment, Arizona employers often rely on restrictive covenants to protect their confidential information and customer relationships. These agreements limit employees’ ability to compete with the employer after the term of employment ends. However, Arizona law takes a balanced approach when it comes to enforceability of such agreements, recognizing both the employer’s Read More

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Succession Planning for Small Businesses

For many small business owners, their venture isn’t just a source of income. It’s a culmination of years of hard work that embodies their vision. Ensuring its smooth continuation after their exit requires a strategy known as succession planning. Simply put, a succession plan outlines the process of transferring ownership and leadership of a business Read More

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Common Causes of Commercial Litigation

The world of commerce, while driven by collaboration, has more than its fair share of disputes. Businesses often find themselves embroiled in legal battles with other enterprises. Understanding the common reasons for these lawsuits can help keep them from arising.  Here’s a breakdown of some of the most frequent causes of commercial litigation: Breach of Read More

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Drafting an Effective Non-Compete Agreement

Non-compete agreements can be valuable tools for businesses to protect their confidential information and customer relationships. These agreements may be required as a condition of employment. However, if a non-compete is challenged after an employee leaves a company, enforceability may hinge on how carefully the agreement was constructed.  The most important aspect of a non-compete Read More

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Customers’ Remedies for Construction Delays

Construction projects are often intricate undertakings and delays are a frustratingly common occurrence. While a minor setback might be understandable, significant delays can wreak havoc on a customer’s finances. What happens when the wait for the job to start or progress stretches from weeks to months?  A busy construction industry can be a double-edged sword Read More

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Physician Assistants Are Now at the Forefront of Medical Care

The healthcare industry has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent decades, driven by technological advancements, shifting demographics and the ever-growing need for affordable services. As a consequence, the role of physician assistants (PA) has evolved from support staff to primary deliverers of patient care. Arising in the 1960s in response to physician shortages in certain Read More

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Donald W. Hudspeth Attorney Photo
Donald W. Hudspeth
Principal Attorney

Attorney Donald W. Hudspeth has more than twenty years’ experience practicing corporate and business law. Before attending law school, Mr. Hudspeth held a stock brokers license at the age of 21 and owned his own business at the age of 23. He was a business law professor at Arizona State University, West Campus, and has conducted classes and seminars for a number of higher institutions and organizations. Mr. Hudspeth has published two books on law and is the founder of the radio programs Law on the Edge and Law Talk.

Mark S. Hamilton Attorney Photo
Mark S. Hamilton

About Attorney Mark S. Hamilton has experience handling all aspects of civil and commercial litigation in federal, state, and tribal courts at the trial and appellate levels. Practice Areas Business litigation Commercial litigation Education University Of Hawaii Wm. S. Richardson School Of Law, Juris Doctor - 2002 University Of Hawaii, Master Of Arts in Asian…

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